I’m back! Welcome to a weekly roundup of things seen, read, tasted - the resumption of something I had fun doing last year, but set aside to focus on writing a final draft of my Master's thesis. The last Friday Five was September 8.
1. Summer birthday party
Someone turned 11 this year and suggested Minecraft as a theme. Decorations were a nod to the game's use of voxels. The boxes labelled as TNT for favours were a hit!
2. Eating
I don't often eat fish, but pickerel at Pineridge Hollow this week was a treat! If there's an occasion to go out for lunch and I have no idea where to eat, I can rely on Lily and Josh's instagram account wpgeats for recommendations. They even have categories of bookmarked posts, making their account even easier to consult.
3. Reading
I thoroughly enjoyed going through Martin Salisbury's latest book Illustrators' Sketchbooks. Looking at how other people work and think in art and illustration is inspiring. I'm constantly wishing I were better at it and exposing myself to a collection of artists fuels the aspiration.
I've begun compiling a little list of media consumed over the year, as a kind of accountability of choice and exposition of taste I guess. I'm participating this way in a thing other people do that I really like. (See Kottke for example.)
4. Something good
When Christian fell from a ladder in May, daily life felt constricted to the things an injury undoes in a partnership... there were more chores on my plate, and that is normal, and we're lucky recovery has been a series of gradual improvements. Nonetheless, when this came across my social media, I found it incredibly comforting.
5. The view here
We've had lots of rain this year compared to last year, but lately our skies are hazy because of smoke drifting over from provinces west of us. Vegetation is lush and the background is pastel orange.
Happy Friday!