There are weeks in a year when something happens somewhere in time, that sends a bowling ball through your calendar, roaring a path through the quotidian and bending all the invisible structure of ephemeral habits to the energy of its passage. That is to say, things can happen in a week that tear at the gossamer web of quiet moments in which to percolate ideas. Creativity this week is focused on food, the pictures taken while preparing meals, moments in between meals, meals as necessity and care.
1 Bluestem Red
I love how pretty Big Bluestem is in the fall, with its occasional vibrant red blades… Yesterday, I walked the dog early in the morning, before the sun rose, and his nose detected a fox I could not see in the dark, until it ran across the street and its coat shone red in the streetlight. The fox is an elegant animal, its white-socked paws seem to dance across the ground in balletic bounds across the road. It scampered away and Enzo and I made it to the end of the block after so much excited howling. We turned the corner to the left at a quiet suburban crossroad and faced the wind. When I looked back, I could see the fox sitting at the right side of the crossroad, its pointed ears perfectly silhouetted in the dark, watching us as we walked away, the dog oblivious, the scent gone for him.
2 Beet red
Our garden is yielding beets, and so, this week, I made borsht. I also made refrigerator pickles for another meal. I stopped though, to take this picture, just to marvel at the beauty in the contrasted colours.
3 Seeing red
These are almond crescents, the ones saved from being snapped up by the dog, in the half-minute I left the kitchen and left the cookies too close to the edge. I served them for dessert along with a magical chocolate mousse made with only water and chocolate - but fancied-up with a bit of orange juice, a swirl of whipping cream and a sprinkling of sugary orange zest.
4 Roses are red
Or rather, these lilies are, kindly gifted, happening to match these giant tomatoes, ripening for Deb Perelman’s Tomato and Corn Cobbler.
5 A rosé, not a red
Wine is lovely and this is a rosé, with a bit leftover, pulled from the fridge and so full of condensation, just to say, if you like wine that could trick you into thinking it’s juice, this is just the kind for you!
Happy Friday!