Friday Five

Let’s not be ponderous this week… let’s aim for short for once, eh? How about…

1 Working on…

I just found a haystack and decided there’s a needle in it that would be really satisfying to find… My mother-in-law worked at Eaton’s for about 7 years, and Eaton’s published their own newsletter, complete with photos and news about their staff. Wouldn’t it be funny if she were mentioned in one of those editions? I’m itching to get back to the Internet Archive…

2 recommending…

I’m having a lot of fun making a list of recommendations on various subjects in various media forms of things I’ve most enjoyed reading, listening to and watching over the years. Check it out here:

3 Baking

I didn’t make a pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving, but the can of pumpkin purée has served for pumpkin cinnamon rolls, loaf and cookies and all three recipes have had high approval ratings in this household.

4 Viewing

Last Friday, a friend took me to Bruxelles, Manitoba for a tour of the region, just as she was treated to its discovery by a local family who welcomed her to Manitoba a few decades ago… It is a little magical to visit land and be gifted a closeness to someone’s attachment for it. And really… the view on that fall day was stunning…

Happy Friday!