Friday Five


On my mind:

So let's suppose there's no such thing as writer's block.
There's a loss of confidence
And forgetting to think
And failing to prepare
And not reading enough
And giving up on patience
And hastening to write
And fearing your audience
And never really trying to understand how sentences work.
Above all, there's never learning to trust yourself
Or your capacity to learn or think or perceive.

From Several Short Sentences About Writing by Verlyn Kinkenborg (p 72)


In our ears: Christian and I listened to Et Bam by Mantissa on repeat this week, thanks to our daughter's recommendation.


In our front closet: Spring slushiness is just around a wintery-cold corner or two. Years ago, I took the advice from The Perfectly Imperfect Home and bought a terra-cotta pomegranate "infused with pomegranate oil" from Santa Maria Novella for our front closet. It continues to delicately perfume our entryway in spite of slushy boots and coats and mitts.


Baking: Snowball-sized meringues.


Saw: A fox, loping along the riverbank, orange fur against white snow.