Friday Five

It's week 1 of the new year, and just as good as day 1 for making resolutions or starting their practice. To hail the new calendar, so crisp and clean, here are five things: ideas, recipes tried, watching a log cabin being built, and the delight of small bouquets...


Details: Colouring-in a story with detail feels like a skill that requires precision and balance: too many details and the story is tedious, too few and the anecdote is lifeless. Erik Larson, author of many nonfictions books, of which Devil in the White City is my favourite, explains what it takes to dig them out on an episode for the Longform podcast: "I do have a high tolerance for being alone and sitting in an archive hour after hour (...). To me it is never boring, because once I'm on the case, (you know it really is kind of like a detective story, like I'm in one), once I'm on the case, you just never know what you're going to find. But you know you've got to find a certain category of information, something that will make my imagination come alive, something that screams to me "this is good." And the only way to find that is to put in the hours. But I'm very content to do that. If I spend, in the case of Devil in the White City, if I spend an entire day in an archive, and all I discover is that the doctor who was in charge of this innovative ambulance service at the fair, is that his name was Gentles, G-E-N-T-L-E-S, Dr. Gentles, you know this innovative ambulance service with rubber wheels so that it wouldn't shake people,  that kind of thing, if I find little details, something like that."


Having received Deb Perelman's latest cookbook Keepers for Christmas, was excited to try new recipes and have cooked the cover-photo-ed "Green Angel Hair with Garlic Butter" the "Turkey Meatloaf for Skeptics," the "Snow Peas with Pecorino and Walnuts," the "Apple Butterscotch Crisp" and the "White Russian Slush Punch." Deb has such a kind and encouraging writing voice, it feels like a privilege to have her friendly guidance in the kitchen. Were I to quibble with her, it would be over the Apple Butterscotch Crisp, simply because we have a pretty strong opinion about the one that comes from Christian's mom. It's simpler: the apples are not parcooked in a skillet, but rather in the oven in the same dish the crisp is served in and, more importantly, it contains no oats. This isn't to say that the version in Keepers is not delicious... it is! As I was eating it, the topping reminded me of granola, only more decadent. The apple crisp Christian requests has a topping like the big crumb coffee cake, which, humbler for its lack of nuts, feels a bit less cluttered. Tonight I'll be making "Chocolate Chip Buckwheat Pancakes" and an omelet for supper, and I'm looking forward to August's tomatoes and corn to try "Tomato and Corn Cobbler."


I submitted a chapter for my thesis before Christmas and recently received feedback. Among the comments was something to the effect of "the writing is too brusque, you need more transitions" and echoes feedback I've received for articles submitted to a small publication. It makes me smile because I think it reflects a characteristic, which, like most characteristics, one can suspect but not know... I'm always worried about boring an audience and in fact, should I fall into a limelight, do try to hurry away. Must work on transitions.


I accidentally drank black tea too close to bedtime and could not fall asleep. I ended up watching the construction of a log cabin in Sweden and was charmed by the puppy that eventually appears, the exhibition of traditional building techniques, the non-narration and the friendly family feast at the end.  


I think any store bouquet is exponentially prettier when divided into little bouquets nestled in unexpected spots around the house... The bathroom, so guests have something cute to look at; the kitchen window, to delight while washing dishes; or here, the night-table...

And voilà! This Friday's post done! Should we meet again next week? I'll try to be on time, like morning rather than afternoon...