Oh dear! Have you come looking for new content? I’m afraid I must disappoint you for a moment… I’m not sure how long. See, there’s this degree I want to get on with. It requires data organizing and then, once that’s done, it requires about 60 solid days of writing 500 words a day. Once the words are written, I have to add the proper references, for the bibliography, and I’m sure that will take a week… And then I have to go through the stack of pages I’ve written and edit them after they’ve rested awhile. Once that’s all done, I hope to get an official paper that says I’ve earned a Master’s.
I really like writing. I like thinking of things to say and pushing past reticence into thoughts that make some sense, that give me joy just to see “published”. It has been a gentle form of accountability, of proving to myself that this is fun more than it is scary.
I might pop in sometimes though, but mostly, I’m taking a moment to focus on academics and fill a sketchbook with silly things.