So long 2016

We're in the lovely fog of holidays where I've suddenly started sleeping in mornings, and trading exercise for Netflix in the evenings, although I argue it is to appreciate routine all the more when we return to it, Monday, January 9th, 2017.

If you like New Years Resolutions, my favourite source of inspiration is Gretchen Rubin's Happiness Project blog. On her podcast she's invited listeners to post a picture to Instagram everyday in January, of things that make them happier. I intend to join, and whether I've already started planning what I'll post and composing the accompanying sentences, I'll not say. (#happier2017)

I like Year-in-Pictures collections, and this one's from Macleans.

For all the bad things that have happened in 2016, here is a list of good things! (via)

My mother has written a book on parenting, a short and informative read, in a conversational style I recognize as if I heard her sitting across from me on the couch. It's a pretty succinct narrative of the way we were raised. I imagine the chaser to be something like this.

Happy New Year!